Monica Moreno Arevalo, on July 15, 2008, alleged vote-buying, which made him Abanilla Mayor Fernando Molina Parra, in exchange for official protection house, a meal voucher and a heater, after suffering threats Mr. Mayor, (depending on your version) that "they were going to miss bitches for lawyers, because it was her word against his"
On February 11, 2009, Monica Moreno Arevalo, has ratified the Court n º 2 de Cieza to be called to testify as a disadvantage, where it expands the complaint, saying (according to his statement) that he had received a threatening phone calls.
Monica Moreno, also states that since accused the Mayor of Fernando Molina Parra, could not find a house to rent in Abanilla and has been banned for any job, the Mayor's orders and had to move its home to the nearby town of Fortuna and change to the school children of 4, 6 and 12 years, just half of the school year.
Source: Grupo Municipal Socialista de Abanilla