Ecologists in Action has objected to the Autonomous Community, opposing the quarry project "Casa del Fraile" in Sierra Quibo, Abanilla, because it is an area with high natural and cultural values, which is also recognized as an area of ​​high quality landscape [1], and despite being relatively unknown, it is one of the best forest and wooded areas of Abanilla and the region.
The vegetation in the area is very rich and varied, something that recognizes the environmental impact study porpio "scrub" where "copies appear scattered juniper, hawthorn and coscoja black" with a Pinar with "are the Kermes undergrowth, juniper, mastic, black hawthorn, matapollos, albaida, rosemary, esparto, etc ".
Also, we note the presence in the area of ​​no less than 5 types of habitats of Community interest, two priority and one rare, have high values.
To which the nearby presence of nests of two species of protected birds of prey type:
Golden Eagle (Aguila chrysaetos) - Species of special interest *
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) - Species of special interest *.
Besides other valuable species of birds, among which include Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) Species of special interest *, Woodlark (Lullula arborea), Black Wheatear (Oenanthe Leuctra), and Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax) Species of special interest * , among others.
It is also important area of ​​carnivorous mammals such as:
Wildcat (Felis silvestris) - Species of special interest *
Genet (common genet)
Marten (Martes foina)
Barinas part of the latest appointments extinct Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) were in the region of Murcia - the fact that in the whole of Sierra Quibo is also given.
* Law 7/1995 of 21 April, wildlife in the Region of Murcia.
But in addition to high environmental values, environmentalists complain that the quarry project, covering an area of ​​over 250,000m2, destroy the immediate surroundings of Cultural Interest (BIC) of the paleontological site of the Sierra Quibo, which He would be wedged between several quarries, distorting its physical context, and can not rule out that it is affected by the activity.
On the other hand, the environmental association considers the environmental impact study submitted by the developer is invalid because it does not analyze the alternatives, as obligatory under the Law on State environmental assessment.
In fact, Ecologists in Action said that this project would be the exploitation of a resource (aggregate crushing) that is very common and abundant in all the mountains of the region.
This is not a scarce resource and high added value as some very special and rare marble, but a widespread in the region such as aggregates resource, so it would easily alternatives much less sensitive location environmentally and avoid the destruction of an area with high botanical, fauna, landscape and cultural values.
Finally, the environmental organization believes that Murcia long you should have a good Regional Waste Plan coordinated with Regional Mining Plan, so that it would promote and facilitate ago that a high percentage of aggregates generated in the Murcia region come from the construction waste.
This important measure would help to reduce both the huge volume of construction waste that accumulate at various points and landfills in the region, such as the proliferation of gravel quarries, which carry associated deterioration of the landscape and the environment.
Landscape Portal of the Region of Murcia (SITMURCIA, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Planning).
Source: Ecologistas en Acción