The last plenary session of the legislature of the day March 16, 2015, The Independent municipal group Abanilla (IUMA) insists on carrying out the "DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAN OF ACTION IN FAVOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND BETTER QUALITY OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT , PREVENTION OF HEALTH OF LIVING AND AGAINST CRIME IN GREEN TOWNSHIP ABANILLA "although the proposal or motion devoted to this objective votes against the PP and PSOE abanillero.
The Plan of measures to combat the degradation and destruction of our environment caused by Angel Fenoll Proambiente business and plant RSU, unanimously approved in 1997 by PP, PSOE and GIMA, would be:
Instruction in command of the local police to design an action plan against repeated attacks by wild Patrol Rural Township Environmental Abanilla.
One of its functions would fill the powers assigned to the City Council recently approved the DIA.
A census of illegal landfills and programming for disposal and environmental restoration.
Municipal Bureau of control and support in meeting environmental regulations by those responsible for the activities required to do so.
Full compliance with the adopted unanimously as of April 19, 2011 Agreement, namely:
that the City of Abanilla in person in criminal proceedings (of environmental crime) as particular to execute civil and criminal actions that may arise and also be informed of the proceedings gotten to the members of the Municipal Corporation accusation.
control and monitoring by the municipality in uncontrolled landfills in the districts of Barinas, Macisvenda, near the River LIC Chícamo and others.
creation of an Environmental Rural Patrol as a special unit of the local police, responsible for the prevention and prosecution of environmental crimes and ensure compliance with the specific ordinances passed as palm to avoid ecological disasters such as occurred recently in this municipality.
Information campaign with maximum transparency in order to minimize the risks on human habitat produce illegal discharges, uncontrolled activities and waste treatment and organic matter and actions in this field.
Environmental education of the population to minimize sources of waste
Responsible exercise of political activity and dialogue between administrations in order to overcome once and for all the untenable situation at hand, with the clear goal of managing the spill 0, until no landfill.
The misdeeds of a few individuals have unfortunate part of our natural environment, jeopardizing our own health as human beings.
From IUMA, we ask those responsible accountable, making maximum involve the institutions and do not look the other way, and that justice is relentless with criminals involved in illegal burials and have destroyed our environment and our health attack
Source: Agencias