Before the economic crisis is causing a number of problems abanilleras families and being one of the problems especially dramatic on evictions for non-payment of mortgages, cases that have already occurred in the township.
We believe that the local government, with the mayor in front, must take steps to minimize the effects of this issue and, much better, to prevent the onset of new cases.
Well be that as national, local, municipal participásemos all groups in this initiative.
Given the unique nature of these events, the shock causing personal and social, need help from this institution with all the effort that is capable of City Hall.
So IUMA, we filed a motion to be included in the agenda at the next regular full day November 19, 2012 for discussion and approval:
MEASURES TO CARRY OUT BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ABANILLA to minimize the effects of evictions A TOWN neighbors.
Among them are:
1. - Mediation with banks for those affected to find suitable ways to avoid this serious social problem involving evictions and expulsions.
2. - Post on the City Council website the list of entities that refuse to cooperate or negotiate in order to establish satisfactory solutions to this problem.
3. - Instruct the legal services of the City to attend the residents affected by the abuse produced by Law to amend.
Source: IUMA